"não importa se vc tem dinheiro, ou não. Importa o quanto estás disposto a impactar a vida de alguém".
Isso faz a diferença.
Fato é que o ser humano só passa a frente o que vê . E de que maneira você vê? Pense sobre isso.
Eu aprendi a amar e vc? Não aprendeu ainda?
O amor durante algum tempo esteve fora de moda e de foco...
Mas houve uma segunda chance. De conhece-lo, experimenta-lo e passar adiante.
E o que foi feito desta chance?
Repense, passe a frente. Não deixe para o último minuto.
O mal NÃO venceu o bem, continua a batalha. Está sendo enfrentado. E o seu AMOR pode fazer a diferença...
Não busque louros, seja amor.
Leia a mensagem, escute-a e passe a frente...
Constellation ... the real question
CotidianoI think that security is synonymous with the obvious. The cache is more efficient labeling: obvious.
Perhaps because we are involved only in our own navel and the connotation of "all" is totally unnecessary. Blinded by our selfishness, we aim only to what concerns us directly.
Then the human condition seems to read newspapers, watch television news and follow the opinion of those measures tend to his life and not even realize. So it is more convenient follow the opinion, as is already done than just a question.
So the government to take care of everything, is not your problem. Then the researcher to do its work, the police to arrest and the judge to order. The reporter who researches the media to publish and chief reporter to complete and submit the interpretation that viewers and readers abide by and say amen.
Sick children to do the favor of not being born. If they do the government who is responsible or their parents. Let no one be sick and no one loses their job, after all we are just here to play the leading role in our lives. And who can save himself. Who can not, please die. This is the profile of the human being today, but it is so obvious that it goes unnoticed.
The concept of evil as much as love is distorted. How could I believe in healing through love, if I do not believe in evil? Perhaps believing in innocence? No, definitely not. Who does not believe in evil, can not believe that there is something to be cured. So, LOVE is limited to individual choice or power of healing is. It boils down to one option only.
It's so obvious that it goes unnoticed.
Think of another classic example. What reasons would have to believe that the Bible is true, beyond the faith of each one who reads it?
If we recall the obvious we are sure of its truth. The blibla is a history book. A book of Jewish history. And if the Jews still exist, even with all the persecution (Nazism, the Inquisition, etc. ..) and still follow the same customs that is written in the Bible, we can conclude the obvious. Yes, the Bible is true. The best proof of this are the Jews. ;)
But it's so obvious that it goes unnoticed.
And this is how we deliver the control of our minds and lives. When we fail to see the obvious, then do not fight against anything, just adhered to.
See and not see, this is the great danger.
Seeing one side only if we know that everything has two sides?
How could I send a message to those who no longer exists? How do I communicate with who theoretically is buried? But if I know, the whole world knows, no. Soon I have to join the dance at the same pace. But then I betray? How do I denounce the majority of people do not see the obvious, even when faced with his eyes still do not believe. Wonder if the human evil comes to both, of course discredit ...
But my revenge came in bringing me to hell, where he never should have left. His conscience led him. The ends do not justify the means. A bullet killed the truth.
Revenge of whom? Impossible to believe.
The message is being given, people are still celebrating the control that "they have on themselves by not believing the obvious.
The counter was shot ... was read and the game continues. The messages are received ...
Just wonder who the real recipient.
I keep watching.
Believing and knowing. Given the two sides.
And grateful for all you have given me. To strengthen my belief and my faith.
History repeats itself.
How could I condemn those who do not see?
Jesus showed miracles and why he came. Few believed. He was crucified for the unbelievers to fulfill the prophecy. On the third day and yet many do not believe.
Who followed him and believed, the farm business was pursued and continues to be pursued.
The story is true yes. It's in the Bible. ;)
Resistanse level 9 = combustion = rise from the ashes
Thanks for the love you have taught me and directed.